After the pumpkin patch on Saturday (and watching the Stanford game with my favorite Cardinal), I packed a bag and headed up to Sunnyside, Washington, to spend some time with my sister and her family for the rest of the weekend. Matt graciously stayed home with our kids -- allowing me this great time of driving in God's good creation in complete peace while listening to some fun tunes he loaded on our MP3 player. I've included a sampling on the player below...
I had perfect weather for this drive to central Washington. Wine country showed off her glorious sunshine, and Sunnyside sure lived up to her name. This was a great surprise to me. I hadn't been in this part of the country in years. I was all packed with my rainboots in the trunk, but no need! Good thing I packed a couple pairs of flats, too.
When I finally arrived (4 hours of driving behind long-haul trucks later), I got to meet my newest little niece, Charlotte. She is two-months of chubby perfection with a healthy set of lungs and an appetite. Pretty much describes every newborn you've known, now doesn't it? It's so funny how all babies are such different creatures, and yet, they are really all the same. Kind of comforting.
More importantly, it was so fun to be able to catch up with her mother, my sister, Amber. She is such a good and natural mother. Self-sacrificing, kind, loving, temperate, long-suffering -- all these describe her and her experience of motherhood with a colicky baby perfectly.
We spent our time together gabbing, cooking, eating, holding wee Charlotte, going to the church that her Father-in-Law pastors, and reminiscing, reminiscing, reminiscing. Because isn't that the best thing to do with someone you've know practically your whole life?? Most definitely.
After a much-too-short visit on the Sunnyside of the street, I hopped back into my trusty Honda and got back on the road again.
But, not without some proper provisions...
If you know Amber and me AT ALL, you will know that we've never said no to a good piece of candy. One of our favorite childhood stories to tell is of us sneaking out in our morning pj's to steal tastes from the sugar bowl. We were good little girls and took turns licking the spoon. We were always flabbergasted when our parents would call us out on the act hours later. How did they KNOW?! Haha. oh. the spoon. Anyway, due to our obsession with the sweet stuff, we stopped by Safeway before I left town to stock me for the ride home. Do you think I got enough? They sure were wonderful, little travel companions. They didn't complain once. Those poor whoppers were polished off by the end of the night, but don't worry, Matt helped. I promise.
My ride home was much gloomier than my ride in, and just kept getting more and more gloomy as I approached Portland. Upon arrival, it down-poured. I got kinda gloomy, too...
And all the way, I was racing this cool old locomotive on the opposite side of the river. Look at him puff!
Kiel would have been over-the-moon. In fact, he keeps asking to see this picture.
Lastly, thanks to the Zakahis for being willing to host me with such a young baby in the house. You both are doing a fantastic job being selfless and caring for one another...and Charlie. She'll thank you one day. You'll see.