There has been another birthday in our house! Our son, Kiel (rhymes with zeal, which he is not lacking) celebrated his third birthday this past holiday weekend. Do you have one of those moms like I do that call you every year to tell you the story of your birth? Well, K isn't quite old enough for that yet, so will you be my listening ears this year? Here goes...He was born on a cold, sunny Remembrance Day (Veteran's Day to us Yanks.) in Squamish, B.C., Canada. The town was wearing poppies and thinking of
this peom and
these men (among others). The day he was born our hands were made full, and they were filled with SUCH good things. This little life turned a marriage into a family, and we three were knit together in an unstoppable way (Eccl. 4:12). We were given the task of being this little man's parents, and every day we reassess if we are meeting God's standard of being examples of godliness, grace, and freedom for him. We envisioned our son to be like a tree planted by a river of water, being firmly established in the love of God, and bearing good fruit -- like Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, and Self-control. (Gal. 5:22-23) We tell him this, and the following, practically every night...
Kiel -- shortened form of Ezekiel, which in the Hebrew language means "Strengthened by God."
Asher -- also Hebrew, means "Rooted in Love."
So, we set out to honor this boy and his special day by starting it off right....with cake at 7AM. It was grain-free and had all-natural sweeteners, so it was basically healthy. ;-P
Last year, Matt made some signs for Kiel's construction-themed party,
and they have been on his door (both in Canada and here in Oregon) for
the past year. A few weeks before his big day, while putting him to bed,
he was looking at the door and asked if his dad would make him a train
for his birthday. How could we tell him no? So we now have a tradition.
He got some sweet swag from his grandparents who were visiting for the weekend...
After playing for HOURS and taking a nice stroll and eating a "Fakesgiving" (basically the same meal we will all sit down to eat next week), the kids finally hit the hay and the rest of us pulled out the big-people games. Good times.