Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sherwood Orchards

This past Sunday was the anniversary of our first visit to Sherwood Orchards. 
Can you tell that I like tradition and celebration? I do. I love it!
 A few weeks ago, I chatted with Matt about making it an annual event and we put the Saturday on our Google calenders. The day called for rain so we pulled on our boots and headed out early. We stopped for fall treats on the way: Pumpkin Spice Latte for me and pumpkin-shaped cookies for the kiddos. I wanted to start this season of right!

 One of our favorite books to read with the kids is called Apple Farmer Annie, so when we arrived we pretended that the lady who runs the place was the same one from the book. Having kids makes things like this so much less a chore, and so much more a right of passage.

 Matt stopped the kids for a few customary instructions (pick only from marked trees, don't eat rotting fruit from the ground, etc) and then we were off!

 Yes, she did get hit in the head with an apple. This is dangerous business!

 Just a few sample bites to see if we like the apples before picking...


We bought thirty pounds of apples and pears (pre-picked) and for the record it didn't rain a bit!

I would highly, highly encourage you to take a page from our book, and get yourself out to an apple orchard if possible. We always come home smiling.

With love,


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Roadtrip to Squamish

Our home of five years --Squamish, B.C.-- is smack-dab between the big metropolis of Vancouver and the trendy mountainside town of Whistler. It was a small logging community for most of the last century, but has since found a new identity as the recreation capital of Canada. If you are into any sport, extreme or otherwise, you can find a home here. We knew people who participated in kite-boarding, back-country skiing, luge, skeleton, mountain-biking, rock-climbing, ultra-racing...really, you name it, it's there. Especially if it has a hyphen.

The people are truly adventurous, and while there we found a whole slew that truly loved Jesus. Friends for life, salt of the earth, and super healthy for us as our young family developed. We were surrounded by God's beautiful creation -- flora, fauna, and people -- and it was a blast to go back to revisit all of that for a week this summer!
One of our first days back, we headed out for one of our favorite local hikes, the Brohm Lake trail.

As young newlyweds, we skinny-dipped here. As a student, I studied here.As freshly-minted parents with babes on our backs, we hiked here. How refreshing to bring our rapidly-growing youngsters to join us on foot around this lake. We were so impressed to see Kiel able to make his way around all by himself. It's not the hardest trail, but it can be long for a three year old. Seeing his accomplish this was one of the highlights of the trip. Eva did quite a bit of it on her own, but stayed on our backs for most. Looking forward to returning to have her give it a go in coming years.

Did I mention we were tent camping? Yup, we hung a tarp and erected a tent and called Alice Lake Campground home for 5 days.
 For naps, we threw Eva's little tent, a Peapod, into the back of our van and she blissfully napped the afternoon away while we prepped dinner, went to the lake, or read by the campfire. Really relaxing afternoons.
And, of course, we had S'mores. Daily.
We had lunch up at Quest U. The view never gets old!

 And we spent time with dear, dear friends.Jason and little Eli are pictured above.
This is Jax, Jason's son and a buddy of Kiel's since birth...even before, really.  They are chatting through the tent wall, while K-dog was supposed to be resting. Relaxed parenting on this trip. ;)
They invited us over for dinner one night and the boys played and played.

The kids have totally been water babies this summer, so Alice lake was a perfect playground for our stay.

Matt and Kiel swam out to the floating dock. Total blast to watch the bravery in action!

 Eva and I watched and cheered from the beachside dock.

We also enjoyed having the Jensen and Pelling families out for some playtime at the beach. The kids have all known each other from birth, which is so cool.. We basically all grew our little ones at the same time, and it was great to walk through that stage of life with so many other couples.
 Eva Brighton and Everley Dawn soaking up some sun, for which they were both named. Seriously these little chicks are such sweet girls at heart! But both are currently kinda freaked out by open water. Don't blame 'em. I still see Jaws in my mind's eye when I swim in deep, dark water, too. Or the swimming pool. Maybe even the hot tub? Don't judge me.

Kiel, swimming as far away as possible, and Allie paddling right behind...in her doggie float. We died laughing.

Aside from a bout of thunder and lightening our last night, the trip was overall a really good thing. Not gonna lie, I would probably have rather stayed in a hotel with such young kiddos in tow. Next year, maybe a few days at Sun River here in Oregon are in order. Or the Oregon Coast. Something with less driving and some rooms with doors. Oh, and toilets. Maybe some Squamish besties want to come down and join us?

We'll talk. ;)

This is what happens when you let them play with crayons in the backseat.

This is why car trips, with all the stress and fatigue involved, are SO worth it.
