Monday, September 16, 2013

Eva turns 2

 This past weekend, it was birthday time in the Sarge fam.... Eva turned two! Matt's pet name for her is "Sunshine", and she certainly is a big ball of it! She woke up to our singing "Happy Birthday" on Friday morning, followed by birthday monkeybread (basically cinnamon heaven in your mouth. Google it!). Evy LOVES Tinkerbell, so she got lots of tink-themed gifts.

 We aren't huge on gifts. In fact, we prefer experiences or re-gifted things. But in this case, I really wanted her to have a brand new dolly, so I splurged and got her one. She has slept with it every night since. Score.

After Matt rode in to work and Kiel was safely and happily off to preschool, Eva and I spent two and a half delicious hours together. First, we went to Starbucks (of course) to have coffee together. She loves coffee. Now, before you scream at me, she doesn't actually love to drink it. But boy! does she ever love to come up to me when I have it, ask about it, smell it, etc. Maybe a coffee-lover in the making? I'm not going to lie; I'd love to have another one in the house. Once she had consumed her little muffin, we popped over to Matt's office to hand-deliver a chocolate chai. (No coffee for him. Also, he'd give a pass to this particular drink in the future, but loves chai as a general rule.) Then, it was off to the park for my favorite birthday girl!

 Pretty brave for her first time on the big girl swing!
 Oh, she got real brave after a while! I turned around and there she was, halfway up the rainbow ladder. Brother wasn't with us, but she has the same self-assured spirit!
 But she isn't totally grown yet, so asked sweetly to be pushed "higher, higher" on the baby swing.
 That night we got a head-start on the cupcakes for Saturday's party.

 Saturday dawned dark and moody with a slight sprinkle, but we packed up for a playground party with friends and grandma, hopeful for some fun in the (eventual) sun.

 The kids kept themselves busy with the play structure, soccer and uno, and the parents chatted and absently saved young human lives from expiring until it came time for cupcakes! Okay, let's be honest, we even had to protect them from themselves then.

 We were thankful to have the Lee and Burns family come out to celebrate with us. It was stress-free, enjoyable, and simple. And really quite nice. So rare for a kids birthday party. No tears, blood, or tantrums? Rare, I say!

Here's to a fabulous year for our foursome...with a terrific two year old in tow!

Even if she does look a tad bit angsty in the above pic. 

Much love,

The Sarge Fam

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